no. Signal name GND In/Out Description
14 H ostBusy 30 In Set LOW to indicate that host
can receive peripheral
device to host data. Then set
high to acknowledg e receipt
of that nibble. Set high in
response to PtrClk
(nAck) low pulse to re-enter
reverse data transfer phase.
31 INIT 30 In Set LOW to initialize the printer.
32 DataAvail/
DataBit-0,4 29 Out This signal is LOW when the
printer is in an error state.
36 12 84-Active 30 In Set HIGH du ring 1284 mode.
18 Logic H - Out A high signal indicates that all
other signals s ourced by the
peripheral are in a valid state.
35 +5V - Out This line is pulled up to +5V
through 3.3 k resistance.
17 Chassis - - Chassis GND.
16, 33,
19-30 GND - - Signal GND.
15 ,34 NC - - Not connected.
* In/Out shows the direction of signal flow as viewed from the printer.
A5 size Appendix
02/05/96 pass 2
A-16 Specifications, Command Summary, and Character Tables