Font enhancement
ASCII Dec. Hex. Description
SI 15 0F Select Condensed Printing
DC2 18 12 Cancel Condensed Printing
SO 14 0E Select Double-Width Printing (on e line )
ESC W 1/0 87 57 Turn Double-Width Printing On/Off
DC4 20 14 Cancel Double-Width Printing (one line)
ESC - 1/0 45 2D Turn Underli ne On/ Off
ESC w 1/0 119 77 Turn Double-Height Printing On/Off
ESC G 71 47 Select Double-Strike Printing
ESC H 72 48 Cancel Dou ble-Strike Prin ting
ESC S 0 83 53 Select Superscript Printing
ESC S 1 8353Select Subscript Printing
ESC T 84 54 Cancel Superscript/Subscript
ESC q n113 71 Select Character Style
n = 0: Normal style
1: Outline
2: Shadow
3: Outline with shadow
ESC ( - nn 40 45 28 2D Select Line/Score
ESC ( - 3 0 1 n1 n2
n1 = 1: Underline
n1 = 2: Strikethrough
n1 = 3: Overscore
n2 = 0: Cancel score line selected by
n1n2 = 1: Single continuous line
n2 = 2: Double continuous line
n2 = 5: Single broken line
n2 = 6: Double broken line
A5 size Appendix
02/05/96 pass 2

Specifications, Command Summary, and Character Tables A-23