Extensibility request: The printer responds to the extensibility
request in the affirmative when the
request is 00H or 04H, which means:
00H: Request nibble mode of reverse channel
04H: Request device ID in nibble mode of
reverse channel transfer
The following table lists the parallel connector pin assignments and
describes their respective interface signals.
no. Signal name GND In/Out Description
1 HostClk 19 In Strobe pulse. Input data is
latched at falling edge of the
2 DATA1 20 In Bit 0: LSB Parallel input data to
the printer.
3DATA2 21In Bit 1
4DATA3 22In Bit 2
5DATA4 23In Bit 3
6DATA5 24In Bit 4
7DATA6 25In Bit 5
8DATA7 26In Bit 6
9DATA8 27In Bit 7: MSB
10 PtrClk 28 Out Used to qualify data being
sent to the host. Set LOW then
HIGH to cause an interrupt
indicating to host that data is
11 PtrBusy/
DataBit-3,7 29 Out Data bits 3 then 7, indicate
forward channel busy sta tus.
12 ACkDataReq/
DataBit-2,6 28 Out Data bits 2 then 6. Set HIGH
until host requests data
transfer, then follows
nData Avail (nFault).
13 Xflag/
DataBit-1,5 28 Out Data bits 1 then 5.
A5 size Appendix
02/05/96 pass 2
Specifications, Command Summary, and Character Tables A-15