Uninstallation of software
For Windows 95
1.Start up Windows.
2.Insert the Projector driver
3.Start up Program Manager.
Click the [Start] button and select the [Run (R)] com- mand. Then the [Run] dialog box is displayed.
4.If you inserted the
5.When the installation program starts up, follow the
6.When the message “Completed” appears on screen, click the [Finish] button to complete the installation.
If you use the Windows 3.1
1.Start up Windows.
2.Insert the Projector driver
3.Select the [Run (R)] command on the icon menu so that the dialog box [Run] is displayed.
4.If you inserted the
5.Select the [Uninstallation (U)] commandon the in- stallation menu.
6.When the setup program starts up, follow the on- screen instructions.
7.When the message “completed” appears on screen, click the [OK] button to complete the uninstallation.
For Macintosh
1.Start up Macintosh.
2.Move "Alps RSSPointer" in the control panel folder in the system folder to “Trash”.
3.Restart the Macintosh.