(4) | Other | codes |
| D C 1 , | D C 3 . . |
| ESC8. ESC9. . | |
| BEL . . . . . . . | |
| BS . . . . . . . . | |
| N U L . . . . . . . | |
| ESC K, ESC L | |
3.1. | action codes |
Selection or deselection of the printer
. Selection or deselection of the paper end detector
. Bell
Back space
. Null
Access code to Bit Image mode (described later).
(1)CR (Carriage Return)
When the CR code is transmitted to the print buffer, all data stored in the print buffer is printed. When AUTO FEED XT (Pin No. 14 of the interface connector) is at “LOW” level, the paper is advanced one line automatically after the execution of printing by the CR code.
NOTES: 1. When 80 columns of print data (including spaces) are continuously received and the following data is valid and printable, the Printer automatically begins to print the data stored in the print buffer. (In this case, if AUTO FEED XT is at “LOW’ level, the paper is advanced one line after printing.)
2.If no data precedes the CR code, or if all preceding data is “SPACE,” the carriage assembly does not operate. Under this condition, if AUTO FEED XT is at “LOW” level, only paper feeding is performed.
3.When all 80 columns of data are “SPACE,” the carriage assembly does not operate. Under this condition, if AUTO FEED XT is at “LOW’ level, or if the DIP switch pin
(2)LF (Line Feed)
When the LF code is input, all data in the print buffer is printed and the paper is advanced one line.
NOTE: If no data precedes the LF code, or if all preceding data is “SPACE”, only paper feeding is performed. For example, if the data is transferred in the order of DATA
(3)VT (Vertical Tabulation)
When the VT code is input, all data preceding this code is printed and the vertical tabulation is made to a predetermined line position set by “ESC B” (up to 8 positions). If no vertical tab position is set by ESC B, the VT code behaves like the LF code. Therefore, the paper is advanced one line after printing.
(4)FF (Form Feed)
The FF code causes the Printer to execute the printing of all data stored in the print buffer and advances the paper to the next predetermined Top of Form position.
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