Modifying an Image Type

To modify an Image Type setting, choose the Image Type button. You see the following screen:

Not all options on this screen are available with all scanners, Image Types, or Pixel Depth settings. The Image Type options are described in the following table.

Image Type options






Pixel Depth


Black & White

Uses a data format of 1 bit/pixel to





produce black and white images









16 Grays

Uses a data format of 4 bits/pixel to





produce 16 shades of gray




256 Grays

Uses a data format of 8 bits/pixel to





produce 256 shades of gray









8 Colors

Uses a 1 bit/pixel per color data





format to produce B-color images









256 Colors

Uses an 8 bits/pixel per color data





format to produce 256-color









16 Million Colors

Uses an 8 bits/pixel per color data





format to produce 16 million color












3-6 Capturing Images From Within Applications