You see a blue box around the photo:
This indicates the area that will print; the area outside the box will be cropped.
5Set the area you want to print:
●Press Zoom In to crop more of the photo.
●Press Zoom Out to crop less of the photo.
●Press l, r, u, or d to move the blue box to a different part of your photo.
●Press Display to rotate the blue box.
6Press OK. You see a
7Press OK to select the cropped photo for printing.
8If you want to crop additional photos, repeat steps 1 through 7.
9Adjust any other settings you want, then press
Print to print your photos.
Red-Eye Removal
When you take photos of people, they sometimes appear to have red eyes. You can use
1Select a photo with the
2Press Menu.
3Press u or d to highlight Edit, then press OK.
4Press u or d to highlight
5Highlight On to turn on the setting, then press OK.
6At the next screen, select whether to apply the setting to the current photo or all photos, then press OK. (The setting remains until you remove the memory card or cancel all settings.)