7Adjust the size and position of the decoration:
●Press Zoom In to make it larger.
●Press Zoom Out to make it smaller.
●Press l, r, u, or d to move the decoration to a different part of your photo. (For best results, avoid placing decorations near the edge of your photo.)
●Press Display to rotate the decoration.
8Press OK. You see your photo with the decoration applied.
9If you want to add another decoration, press Add Deco and repeat steps 6 through 8. Otherwise press OK.
10Press OK to select the current photo for printing. (See page 9.) Or you can print all photos (page 10) or a range of photos (page 11).
11Adjust any other settings you want, then press
Print to print your photos.
You can rotate a photo on PictureMate’s photo viewer screen. This does not affect how the photo prints, only how you see it on the screen.
1Select the photo you want to rotate.
2Press Menu.
3Press u or d to highlight Edit, then press OK.
4Press u or d to highlight Rotate, then press OK.
5Select 90 degrees, 180 degrees, or 270 degrees (or select Do Not Rotate). Your photo is rotated on the screen:
6Press OK.