The numbers for the second line were calculated in the same way. Once the numbers for the pin patterns are calculated, they are put in the program in DATA statements, separated by commas.

The program works in a similar way to the last example. This time it selects 7/72-inch line spacing because only seven pins are used. Because the data is not repetitive, each column of graphics data is read from the DATA statements and sent to the printer. The design is 41 dot positions wide. Therefore both lines 130 and 140 use the number 41.

100 WIDTH "LPT1:", 255110 LPRINT CHR$(27);"A";CHR$(7);120 FOR ROW = 1 TO 2130 LPRINT CHR$(27);"Y";CHR$(41);CHR$(0);140 FOR COLUMN = 1 TO 41150READ N160LPRINT CHR$(N);170NEXT COLUMN180LPRINT190NEXT ROW200 END210 DATA 64,32,80,8,68,2,64,0,64,0220 DATA 64,0,64,0,32,0,16,0,8,0230DATA 8,0,8,0,8,0,810,8,0,8,0,8,0240DATA 184,64,32,16,8,4,2250DATA 8,16,40,64,136,0,8,0,8,0260DATA 8,0,8,0,16,0,32,0,64,0,64,0270DATA 64,0,64,0,64,0,64,0,64,0,64,0280DATA 116,8,16,32,64,128,0

When you run this program, it produces the following printout:

If you want to see the figure in other densities, change the Y in line 130 to L or 2.


Graphics and User-defined Characters