Ericsson LBI-39128 manual Troubleshooting, Symptom Possible Causes Corrective Action

Models: LBI-39128

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transmitter channels. Repeat steps 2 through 6 for each transmitter channel until all are re-configured.


After you think you have fixed a transmitter alarm problem, switch the transmitter off (12V power supply), then

back on. This will cause the next test call to be placed to that transmitter and thereby speed up the check-out process and the transmitter’s return to service.

Table 10 lists some of the possible causes and the corresponding corrective action for various symptoms that might be observed.

Table 10 - Troubleshooting Symptoms







Constant antenna alarm for one antenna,

Lower (power) Alarm Limit is set too

Check and possibly re-configure the

but antenna appears to be OK.

high, Upper (power) Alarm Limit is set

alarm limit(s) (see the Parameters


too low, or Upper (SWR) Alarm Limit

heading in the Operation section).


is set too low.






Power sensor at antenna input needs

Check and possibly re-calibrate the


calibration or is defective.

power sensor (see the Power Sensor



Calibration heading in this section).





Cable from the power sensor to the

Check the continuity of the cable from


PMU (can be many cables and

the power sensor to the PMU (see the


connectors in series) is connected to the

interconnection diagrams at the end of


wrong point or is defective.

this manual).





PMU input circuit is defective.

Apply a dc voltage (negative ground) to



the power sensor end of the cable to the



PMU (see Table 7 for the voltage to



represent the expected power). If the



alarm remains, the cable or the PMU



input is defective.




Occasional antenna alarm for one

Power sensor at antenna input needs

Check and possibly re-calibrate the

antenna, but antenna appears to be OK.

calibration or is defective.

power sensor (see the Power Sensor



Calibration heading in this section).




No antenna alarm is reported when the

Lower Alarm Limit is set to zero.

Re-configure the Lower Alarm Limit

cables between the power sensor and


parameter for the antenna to some non-

the PMU are disconnected.


zero value (see the Parameters heading



in the Operation section).











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Ericsson LBI-39128 manual Troubleshooting, Symptom Possible Causes Corrective Action