Ericsson LBI-39128 VAX Site Controller Computer, Application Software Proms, Personality Proms

Models: LBI-39128

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Make sure that the Site Controller computer, at the location where this PMU is to be installed, is a VAX model or a PDP model that has been upgraded to a VAX model. To determine if a PDP model has been upgraded internally to a VAX model, you must look inside the PDP system chassis and see which cards are installed. PDP models that have been upgraded to a VAX model will have their cards arranged in the card cage as shown in Figure 2.












































Figure 2 - Card Layout for PDP Upgraded to VAX


The Site Controller computer’s Application Software PROMs must be marked 344A3265Gx, where x = 6 or higher. (Application Software PROMs with x = 5 or lower will not work for the new PMU.) If new Application Software PROMs are needed, they should be ordered when ordering the new PMU.


The Site Controller computer’s Personality PROMs must be replaced, even if the system currently has an old PMU and a System Manager. New Personality PROMs should be ordered when ordering the new PMU.

When ordering new Personality PROMs, you must give the correct information for the following four PMU parameters (don’t assume that the person taking the order will know what you want, need, or the recommendations given here):

PMU Enable - This parameter set (mask) defines (for each channel) if that channel number is to be monitored by the PMU. This parameter is not System Manager re-configurable and therefore all equipped channels must be enabled. It is recommended that all 20 channels be enabled (equipped or not).

Power Monitor Unit - This parameter can be set to “Off” (if you want the PMU option disabled) or “On” (if you want the PMU option enabled). This parameter is System Manager re-configurable, but must be set to “On” if the site is being operated without a System Manager. It is recommended that this parameter be set to “On”, even if the site is being operated with a System Manager.

PMU Model - This parameter can be set to “Old- 8843” (PMU protocol set to 2400 Baud for Decibel Products DB8843 based old PMU) or “New-8860” (PMU protocol set to 9600 Baud for Decibel Products DB8860 based new PMU). This parameter is not System Manager re-configurable and therefore must be set to “New-8860”.

PMU Power Levels - This parameter defines the lower power level limit for all transmitters (one limit is applied to all). This parameter is System Manager re-configurable, but must be set to some power level lower than rated power if the site is being operated without a System Manager. It is recommended that this parameter be set to 50% of the rated power, even if the site is being operated with a System Manager.


If this PMU option is being installed in the field, these Personality PROMs must be changed, even if the system currently has the old PMU option and a System Manager.


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Ericsson LBI-39128 manual VAX Site Controller Computer, Application Software Proms, Personality Proms