REMAT Operation



Local RTE command processing now in effect.


Set up origin (570) and destination (572) nodes. Network user's security code (DS) must be specified.




Physical node locations are designated by the notation


NODE1 = xx and NODE2 = xx where xx is the Router/1000


node address assigned by the Network Manager. Logical node


location, those locations obtained using the REMAT SW


command, are designated by the notation NODE1 (the origin


node) and NODE2 (the destination node).



REMAT Scheduling

REMAT can be scheduled with or without the following runstring parameters.




,filedesc [,log][,list][,severity code] ,input

The name of a command file that provides REMAT commands. All commands in the file must be preceded by a $.

The LU of the system input device. Must be less than 64.

Default is your terminal.


The LU of the interactive message logging device. Must be less


than 64. Default is input LU (if interactive) or the value


returned by LOGLU.


The LU of the list device. Must be less than 64. Default is the


log LU.

severity code

The error reporting code. If 0 is specified, all commands will be


echoed and all errors will be reported (this is the default). If 1


is specified, the command echo is inhibited.