Creates a path report descriptor.

IPCDEST(socketkind,nodename,nodelen,protocol,protoaddr,protolen, flags,opt,pathdesc,result)


32-bit integer, by value in Pascal, by


reference in FORTRAN. Defines the type of socket. Must


be 3 to specify a call socket. Other values are reserved for


future use.


Packed array of characters (Pascal); Integer


array (FORTRAN), by reference. A variable length


array of ASCII characters identifying the node on which the


path report descriptor is to be created. The syntax of the node


name is node[.domain[.organization]], which is


further described in the NSARPA/000 User/Programmer


Reference Manual.


Default: You may omit the organization, organization and


domain, or all parts of the node name. When organization or


organization and domain are omitted, they will default to the


local organization and/or domain. If the nodelen parameter is


set to zero, nodename is ignored and the node name defaults


to the local node.


32-bit integer, by value in Pascal, by


reference in FORTRAN. The length in bytes of the


nodename parameter. If this parameter is set to zero, the


nodename parameter is ignored and the node name defaults to


the local node. A fullyqualified node name length may be 50


bytes long.


32-bit integer, by value in Pascal, by


reference in FORTRAN. Defines the Transport Layer


protocol to be used. Must be 4 to indicate the Transmission


Control Protocol (TCP). Other values are reserved for future




integer array, by reference. A data buffer that


contains a TCP protocol address. Recommended Range: The


recommended range of TCP addresses for user applications is


from 30767 to 32767 decimal.


32-bit integer, by value in Pascal, by


reference in FORTRAN. The length in bytes of the


protocol address. TCP protocol addresses are two bytes long.


32-bit integer, by reference. A 32bit map of


special request bits. This parameter is reserved for future use.


All bits must be clear (set to zero).


No options are defined for this call.


32-bit integer, by reference. Path report


descriptor. Describes the location of named call socket. May


be used in a subsequent IPCConnect call to establish a


connection to another process.


32-bit integer, by reference. The error code


returned; zero if no error.

68 Network Interprocess Communication