PTOP Common Parameters

Several parameters are common to more than one PTOP call. These common parameters are described in detail in the following paragraphs. Parameters that are unique to a specific call are described within the parameter description area of that call.


PTOP control block. A 4word array of any type. The contents


of the pcb parameter serve as a control block for the data link.


The pcb array resides within the calling program and must not


be modified.


Error code. Produces an error code if an error condition is


encountered during execution of a PTOP call. Must be defined


as a 16bit integer. If a slave program responds with a REJCT


during execution, a •1" is returned in err. If the slave program


responds with an ACEPT, the value •0" will be returned. Any


other value returned in this parameter represents an error in


the handling of the message.


Tag field. A 20word array of any type. You can define


information to be exchanged between the master and slave


programs within the tag field. This parameter is passed from a


master program via a POPEN, PREAD, PWRIT, or PCONT call. A


slave program obtains the tag via a call to GET. A slave


program may then pass tag data back to the GET. A slave


program may then pass tag data back to the master program


via an ACEPT or REJCT call.

Master PTOP Calls


APOPEN call directed to a remote node causes the named slave PTOP program at that node to be scheduled.

HP 1000 to HP 1000 Calling Sequence

For PTOP communications between HP 1000 nodes, you must call POPEN within a master program to initiate the communication link with a slave program.



PTOP control block.


16-bit integer. Error return.


Slave program name. An array of up to 14 words containing the


ASCIIcoded slave program name and terminated by a blank or


nonASCII character.


16-bit integer. The Router/1000 node address of the


node where the slave program resides and where it is to be


scheduled for execution. A value of 1 indicates the local node.


Tag field. A 20word array.




Slave cloning parameter. Ignored when the slave is running in


an RTEA system. (Can be used to clone a slave program if the


slave resides on an RTE6/VM node with Session Monitor.


Refer to the DS/1000IV User's Manual for more information


on the use of this parameter.)

ProgramtoProgram Communication (PTOP) 121