
Invokes CI or runs the specified program on the local HP 1000 host.



Any program that you can execute singly. Once the command is


executed, you automatically return to FTP. If no command is


specified after the exclamation mark, you will remain in CI until


you execute the CI EX command.


Displays FTP commands and help information. You may use a single question mark (?) or double question marks (??). Same as HELP command.

?[?] [command]


Any FTP command. If no command is specified, FTP lists the


currently supported FTP commands. When a command is


specified, FTP displays a brief description of the command. A


space or comma must separate the question mark and the


command parameter.


Sets the working directory on the remote host to the parent directory.



Displays the FTP command stack. Similar to the command stack display function (/) in RTEA.










Optional command line count integer, from 1 to 12, that


specifies the number of command lines from the last command


entered to be displayed.


Optional extra slashes, up to 12 slashes, that you may specify. If


two extra slashes are specified, the last two commands executed


are displayed. If three extra slashes are specified, the last three


commands are displayed, and so on.


String of text that FTP uses to search the command stack. The


text must be preceded by a period (.). FTP displays commands


in the stack that contain the specified string of text.

22 FTP