Receives a connection request on a call socket.



32-bit integer, by value in Pascal, by


reference in FORTRAN. Socket descriptor. Refers to a


call socket owned by the calling process.


32-bit integer, by reference. VC socket descriptor.


Refers to a VC socket that is the endpoint of the


newlyestablished virtual circuit connection.


32-bit integer, by reference. A 32bit map of


special request bits. The following flags are defined for this




D flags [22]3CHECKSUMMING(input). When set,


this flag causes TCP to enable checksumming. However,


not setting this bit does not ensure that checksumming will


not occur. TCP checksum will always be performed if: the


peer process calls IPCConnect with the checksumming


bit set. TCP checksum is performed in addition to data


link checksum. If TCP performs checksumming, increased


overhead is required and realtime integrity cannot be




Byte array (Pascal); Integer array


(FORTRAN), by reference. An array of options and


associated information. The options are:


D maximum send size (optioncode = 3, datalength =


2). A twobyte integer that specifies the maximum


number of bytes you expect to send with a single call to


IPCSend on this connection. Range: 1 to 8,000 bytes.


Default: 100 bytes. If this option is not specified,


IPCSend will return an error if a call attempts to send


greater than 100 bytes.


D maximum receive size (optioncode = 4, datalength


= 2). A twobyte integer that specifies the maximum


number of bytes you expect to receive with a single call to


IPCRecv on this connection. Range: 1 to 8,000 bytes.


Default: 100 bytes. If this option is not specified,


IPCRecv will return errors if a call attempts to receive


greater than 100 bytes.


32-bit integer, by reference. The error code


returned; zero if no error.

616 Network Interprocess Communication