Establish or Change a Map




Mappable LU on source system.


Destination system LU of map. The destinationLU must be


associated with a unitrecord device (such as a terminal, printer,


or mag tape unit).




Set bit 15 to enable the header flag. Remote I/O Mapping will


write a message of the following form to the destination LU


preceding each record sent to that LU:


MESSAGE FROM NODE # nnnnn PRGM ppppp AT DAY dddd, hh :mm :ss


Where: nnnnn is the source node (node where the message


originated); ppppp is the name of the program sending the


message (or SYS I/O if the I/O request is from the system or


class buffered); and ddddd hh mm ss is the day and time


that the request was made at the source node.


Set bit 14 to enable the prompt flag. Remote I/O Mapping will


write a prompt of the following form to the destination LU


preceding each read request mapped from the source LU:




Where: nnnnn is the source node.


Set bit 13 with bit 14 to change the read request timeout to 20


minutes but suppress the prompt flag.


Destination node number of the map (the node of the


destination LU).


Network Management security code.

Return Parameters

First Parameter

sourceLU if map was successfully established, otherwise one


of the following negative error codes:


D -1 (177777B) if securityCode was incorrect




(177776B) if sourceLU is not a mappable LU


D -3 (177775B) if Remote I/O Mapping is not set up







(177774B) if destinationLU is mappable




(177773B) if destinationNode is not known to the



local node

134 Remote I/O Mapping