NSINIT uses a dialogue to prompt the user for initialization information. You can specify an answer file that contains the responses to the dialogue or you can respond to the dialogueinteractively.

Scheduling NSINIT

To initialize NSARPA, you can schedule NSINIT from the system WELCOME file.



Device (file or interactive device LU) that provides input for


NSINIT dialogue. The inputDevice can be an answer file


previously created by running NSINIT. If inputDevice is an


interactive device, NSINIT will also print prompts and error


messages to the device.


Default: local LU 1 (scheduling terminal).


Device (file name or device LU) to which NSINIT will write the


dialogue. If this is a file, it can later be used as an answer file.


If outputDevice and inputDevice are files, they cannot


be the same file. If you enter the name of an existing file,


NSINIT will ask you if you want to overwrite the file. If you


specify a device, HP recommends that the device be spooled. If


you enter LU 0, NSINIT does not create any output.


Default: If inputDevice is interactive, NSINIT will prompt


you for a file name. If inputDevice is not interactive, the


default is LU 0 (no output). During an interactive NSINIT


dialogue, NSINIT prompts you again for an output file name.


Device (file name or device LU) to which NSINIT will log any




Default: local LU 1 (scheduling terminal).

NSARPA Message Tracing

There are three NSARPA message tracing utilities:

DNSTRC, which enables message tracing

DBRTRC, which terminates message tracing and allows you to format the trace file

DFMTRC, which formats the trace file and allows you to select trace records according to nodes, Link Interfaces, and sockets

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