
Accepts a connection on a socket and creates a new socket. The call returns the new socket descriptor. The accept() call is used by the server process to wait for and accept a connection request from the client process.


newsocket = accept(socket, addr, addrlen)


newsocket, socket, *addrlen;

struct sockaddr_in




New socket descriptor created by accept(). If the call is


successful, the value returned is an integer equal to or greater


than 0. If the call fails, it returns -1.


Original socket descriptor, created by a previous socket()




Pointer to address structure. The address structure should be


of sockaddr_in type. Refer to •Preparing Socket Addresses"


in the BSD IPC Reference Manual for NSARPA/1000 and


ARPA/1000 for details.


On return, this structure contains the socket address of the


client process that is connected to the server's new socket.


Pointer to an integer variable that contains the length, in bytes,


of the address structure specified by addr (for example, length


of structure sockaddr_in, which is 16 bytes).


On return, addrlen contains the length, in bytes, of the actual


client socket address returned in addr.

42 Berkeley Software Distribution Interprocess Communication