
16-bit integer. The node number of the remote node for


which you want the node name. Use the node number from the


NRV. The node number is used to search /system/nodenames


to find a match and obtain the node name associated with it.


Integer array (FORTRAN); Packed character


array (PASCAL). An array that contains the node name as


found in /system/nodenames. Length is 16 characters.


Obtains a node number from /system/nodenames given the node name.

Node = DS_GETNODE(Nodename)


16-bit integer. The node number obtained from


/system/nodenames as associated with the node name or a


negative FMP error code.


FMP -302 is equivalent to the •node name was not found in




Integer array (FORTRAN); Packed character


array (PASCAL). An array which contains the node name of


the remote node for which you wish to find the node number.


This should be a node name as found in /system/nodenames.


It should be leftjustified and blank padded.


Copies FMGR files between HP 1000 nodes. Cannot copy nonFMGR files.



Integer array (FORTRAN); Packed character


array (PASCAL). Origin file name. A 3word array


containing the ASCIIcoded name of the file to be copied.


Must be a FMGR file.


Array of 16-bit integers. A twoword array. Word


one is the cartridge identifier. Must be a positive or negative


integer value or zero. If positive, the file search is restricted to


the cartridge declared by the specified integer value. If


negative, the file search is restricted to the logical unit number


declared by the specified integer value. If zero, the file search is


not restricted to any particular cartridge. Word two indicates


the Router/1000 node address of the node where the origin file




Integer array (FORTRAN); Packed character


array (PASCAL). Destination file name. A 3word array


containing the ASCIIcoded name of the file copy. Must be a


FMGR file.


Array of 16-bit integers. A twoword array. Word 1


contains the destination file cartridge identifier. Word 2


contains the Router/1000 node address. (See cr1 for more




16-bit integer. Error return variable.

1420 Maintenance Utilities