Writes an abbreviated directory listing of a remote directory or file to your terminal or to a local file on the HP 1000.

N[LIST] [remote_listing] [local_file]


Specifies the remote directory or file mask from which a


directory listing is to be generated. If this parameter is omitted,


NLIST lists the remote working directory.


Specifies a valid file path on the local HP 1000 host to store the


directory listing. If this parameter is omitted, the directory


listing is displayed on your terminal.


Establishes a connection with a specified remote host.

O[PEN] host



Specifies the host to which you want to log on. You may use the


host's node name or IP address. The syntax for the host node


name is node[.domain[.organization], and the syntax


for the IP address is nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn. Both are further


described in the NSARPA/1000 User/Programmer Reference




Toggles interactive prompting for multiple file operations. Interactive prompting occurs during multiple file operations to allow you to selectively proceed with each file. By default, interactive mode is enabled.



Transfers a local file to the remote host. Same as SEND.

PU[T] local_file [remote_file]


Specifies a valid file path on the local host to be transferred.


Specifies a valid file path on the remote host to be transferred


into. If this parameter is omitted, FTP uses the local file path


as the file name on the remote host. If a remote file name is


specified without a directory, the current working directory on


the remote host is used. If a remote file with the same file name


already exists, it is overwritten without warning.

FTP 29