Determines the status of a call socket or VC socket.



32-bit integer, by reference. Specifies the upper


ordinal bound on the range of descriptors specified in the


readmap, writemap, and exceptionmap parameters. An


IPCSelect call will be most efficient if this parameter is set to


the maximum ordinal value of the sockets specified in these


parameters. Because a NetIPC process may have concurrent


access to a maximum of 32 descriptors, sdbound may be given


a maximum value of 32. As an output parameter, sdbound


contains the upper ordinal boundary of all of the descriptors


that met the select criteria. If none of the criteria were met,


sdbound will be set to zero.


32-bit integer, by reference. A bit map indexed by


VC socket descriptors. When readmap is an input parameter,


this map should have bits set for all of the VC sockets from


which you would like to receive data. As an output parameter,


readmap is a bit map describing all of the readselected VC


sockets that are readable.


32-bit integer, by reference. A bit map indexed by


either call socket descriptors or VC socket descriptors. When


writemap is an input parameter, this map should have bits set


for all of the call sockets on which you would like to initiate


connections, or all of the VC sockets to which you would like to


send data. As an output parameter, writemap is a bit map


describing all of the writeselected sockets that are writeable.


32-bit integer, by reference. A bit map indexed by


either call socket descriptors or VC socket descriptors. When


exceptionmap is an input parameter, this map should have


bits for all of the sockets for which notification of exceptional


conditions is desired. As an output parameter,


exceptionmap is a bit map describing all of the


exceptionselected sockets that are exceptional. For call


sockets, an exceptional condition is present if a connection


request is queued to the socket; for VC sockets, an exceptional


condition is present if the connection referenced by the socket


has been aborted.


32-bit integer, by value in Pascal, by


reference in FORTRAN. The number of tenths of seconds


the calling process is willing to wait for some event to occur


which would cause IPCSelect's report to change. This


timeout is put into effect only when none of the sockets


referenced can immediately satisfy the select criteria (i.e., none


are readable, writeable or exceptional). If this value is set to


zero, the call will not block. If it is set to 1, the timeout will be


set to infinity (i.e., the call will block).


32-bit integer, by reference. The error code


returned; zero if no error.

Network Interprocess Communication 617