LU3K (for X.25 Links)

Obtains the LU number of a virtual circuit allocated for an HP 1000 to HP 3000 X.25 connection.

a3klu = LU3K([dumy])


16-bit integer. The LU number of the X.25 virtual circuit


is returned here.


Dummy parameter required for FTN4x (and earlier


FORTRAN compilers). Omit this parameter for Pascal and


programs written in later versions of FORTRAN (FTN77/7x).


Establishes communication between a son program and a session (SMP) created by a father program at an HP 3000.




16-bit integer. May be any nonzero value to establish


communication with the HP 3000 session. If your node is


memorybased, parm can be set to zero to clear the


communication values set by a previous run of the program.

1424 Maintenance Utilities