Closes the remote connection and exits from FTP. Same as BYE and QUIT.



Sets the FTP file transfer form to the specified format. The only supported format is non-print.

F[ORM] format



Specifies the file transfer format. Currently the only supported


format is non-print. Nonprint format specifies that no


vertical format information is contained.


Transfers a remote file to a local file. Same as RECV.

GE[T] remote_file [local_file]


Specifies a valid file path on the remote host to be copied to the


local host.


Specifies the file on the local host to copy into. If this


parameter is not specified, FTP uses the remote file path as the


local file path. If a local file name is specified without a


directory, the current working directory on the local host is


used. If a local file with the same file name already exists before


the file transfer, it is overwritten without warning.


Toggles file name globbing (expansion) for multiple file operations. When file name globbing is enabled, FTP expands wild card characters in multiple file and directory operations. In other words, FTP uses the wild card characters as wild cards and not as the characters they normally represent. The wild card characters used depend on the file system processing the FTP command.



Specifies the printing of a hash sign (#) for each data block transferred. The size of the data block is 1024 bytes. This command toggles the printing of hash signs.


FTP 25