
Provides synchronous socket I/O multiplexing.


result = select(count, reads, writes, exceptions, timeout)






*writes, *exceptions;

struct timeval *timeout;



Returns the number of socket descriptors contained in the


select() call bitmasks.


-1means an error has occurred.


0 means the time limit has expired and all the bitmasks are




Specifies the number of sockets for select() to examine.


Select() examines socket descriptors from 0 to (count-1).


Currently, users are allowed a maximum of 31 socket


descriptors, so the valid range for count is 1 to 31. Since socket


descriptors are numbered starting with 0, callers should specify


count as their highest socket descriptor + 1. (Note: count


specifies the number of socket descriptors for selection. Hence,


a count of 5 means that the select() call will examine socket


descriptors from 0 through 4.)


Pointer to a bitmask to specify which socket descriptors (from 0


to count-1) to select for reading. Set the bitmask to 0 with


FD_ZERO if no descriptors need to be selected for reads.


On return, it contains a pointer to the bitmask specifying which


socket descriptors (from 0 to count-1) are ready for reading.


Use the FD_SET macro and fd_set variable type to set the


socket descriptors for reads before you issue the select()


call. After issuing select(), use FD_ISSET to test for the


bits in the bitmask. Refer to •Socket Descriptor Utilities" for


more information on clearing, setting, and testing the bits in the




Pointer to a bitmask to specify which socket descriptors (from 0


to count-1) to select for writing. Set the bitmask to 0 with


FD_ZERO if no descriptors need to be selected for writes.


On return, it contains a pointer to the bitmask specifying which


socket descriptors (from 0 to count-1) are ready for writing.


Use the FD_SET macro and fd_set variable type to set the


socket descriptors for writes before you issue the select()


call. After issuing select(), use FD_ISSET to test for the


bits in the bitmask. Refer to •Socket Descriptor Utilities" for


more information on clearing, setting, and testing the bits in the



412 Berkeley Software Distribution Interprocess Communication