Q.: I׳ve got too many cables with the MultiCell, which part of I do not know how to use them. Any advise?
A.: There are five connection cables and one power cable, supplied with the
∙RS232/RJ11 cable for connecting the MultiCell to an auxiliary computer (PC).
∙Two straight cables, one for the Ethernet LAN connection and the other for the ISDN connection (in case the MultiCell is set to TE Network Access).
∙An Ethernet
∙An E1 cross connect cable, is used for ISDN connection, in case the MultiCell is set to NT network access mode.
Q.: I׳ve connected the MultiCell to my VoIP gateway, but calls aren׳t going through the Gateway. How to resolve?
A.: Check the connection between the VoIP and the MultiCell. The VoIP should be set to Master synchronization and NT network access and the MultiCell should be set to Slave synchronization and TE network access. Note, that the ISDN cable, connecting the MultiCell and VoIP should be straight, not cross. Although check that the calls are sent to the MultiCell from VoIP as voice, any other setting will result in calls rejection.
Q.: I׳m trying to connect to a Gatekeeper with my VoIP Gateway and I cannot pass call through it. How can I resolve this?
A.: This is out of this Manual Scope and we cant help you with since it is VoIP equipment specific. Contact your VoIP equipment support to resolve.
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