Command/response table for SIS commands (continued)
Command ASCII (Telnet) URL Encoded (Web) Response
Clear user password24 ECU}W %20 CU|Ipu
Read user password24 E CU}WCU| X3#]
Set verbose mode24 E
X2@ CV}W
X2@ CV|Vrb
Read verbose mode E CV}WCV| X2@]
Read connection security level E CK}WCK| X5@]
Configure broadcast mode E
X6$ EB}W
X6$ EB|Bmd
View broadcast mode E EB}WEB| X6$]
Get connection count E CC}WCC|Number of Connections]
File Commands
Stream files via port 80
Load file to user flash memory Use a POST on port 80, followed by the delimited data to be written to the flash file memory
Retrieve file from user flash
Send a page GET on port 80 followed by WSF|{The response is raw data from the file}
Example:|{data from the file mypage.html}
Stream files via Telnet
Load file to user flash memory24 28 E+UF, filesize, filename} {raw unprocessed data from the file up to filesize} Upl]
Retrieve file from user flash
memory24 28
E filename SF}1B filename 53 46 0D {4 bytes of filesize, and then raw data
from the file}
Re-map Port Designations
Set Telnet port map24 E
port# MT}W port# MT|Pmt port#]
Reset Telnet port map24 E 23MT}W23MT|Pmt00023]
Disable Telnet port map24 E 0MT}W0MT|Pmt00000]
Read Telnet port map24 E MT}WMT|port#]
Set Web port map24 E port# MH}W port# MH|Pmh port#]
NOTE: Duplicate port number assignments are not permitted (Telnet and Web cannot be the same) and will result in an E13 (invalid parameter) error.
Remapping of the port number (other than to “Reset” to default assignment of 80/23 or “Disable” by setting to 0) must be to ports 1024 or higher.
NOTE: X2@ = Verbose/response mode status: 0 = clear, default for Telnet connections; 1 = verbose mode is on; 2 = send tagged responses for queries;
3 = verbose mode is on and tagged responses are sent for queries
X3# = Password: maximum length of 12 characters and no special characters
X5@ = Connection security level: 0 = not logged in; 11 = user; 12 = administrator
X6$ = Broadcast repetition rate in seconds (0-255. 0 = disable)
IPL T CR48 • Communication and Control 30