Software Setup, cont’d
Step 7: Create a Display Shutdown Schedule
Global Configurator’s (GC) scheduling feature enables you to schedule actions and events for a selected device. Scheduling is often useful for setting a projector or other device to shut down or turn on at a predetermined time (e.g., in a school, all projectors can be set to power off at 5:00 P.M.).
To schedule a display shutdown:
1. | Click on the Schedule tab in the Global Configurator |
| window. |
2. | Click the Add Schedule button below the Scheduled |
| Actions window. The Scheduled Actions Wizard dialog |
| box appears. |
Scheduled Actions Wizard
3. | Enter a name (e.g., Shutdown) in the Enter Scheduled |
| Action Name field. |
4. | Indicate the time for the desired action and uncheck |
| inactive times (e.g., weekend hours when staff are away). |
For events that occur at the same time daily, change the time alongside the Set All button. Click the Set All button to automatically change all selected days of the week.
5. Click Next. This takes you to the actions page, where you can specify the action.
Display shutdown action selection dialog
6. | Select the device to be scheduled (for our purposes, |
| choose the Epson PowerLite 7700p) from the Subject Port |
| window. |
7. | Select the action Power Control Off from the Available |
| Options window, then click the Apply Action button. |
8. | Click Done. The dialog box closes. |
MLC 104 Series MediaLink Controllers • Software Setup |