FX menus

Use the FX menus to select effects for the current pre-
set and adjust all ef fect settings, or to import the
effects (with all settings) from another preset.
G-DEC 3 effects are grouped into four categories, STOMPBOX,
MODULATION, DELAY and REVERB. You can choose one effect
from each category for a maximum of four active effects at
any one time. An icon appears on screen when an effect is
currently selected for each category:
To select effects and adjust effect settings, start by pressing
the FX soft-key. The first menu is Stompbox effects where
you can select one of five stompbox type effects. The menus
following (4) the Stompbox menu are submenus of settings
for the selected stompbox effect. Submenus will change
depending on the effect you select, to provide the appropri-
ate settings for that effect.
If no stompbox effect is selected, the next menu (4) will
take you directly to the next category of effects (modu-

Effects Selection

To select effects and adjust effect settings:
1. Press the FX soft-key.
2. The first menu is Stompbox. Here you can select one of
five stompbox type effects or NO STOMPBOX by turning
the big knob.
3. Press the end soft-keys (3–or–4) to access other catego-
ries of effects and to adjust settings for the effects you
have selected.

Effects Menus

Stompbox—Use the Stompbox menu to select one of the
following 5 effects:
No Stompbox effect
Fixed Wah
Touch Wah
Fuzz Touch Wah
Modulation—Use the Modulation menu to select one of the
following 13 effects:
No Modulation effect
Sine Chorus
Tri Chorus
Sine Flanger
Tri Flanger
Vintage Tremolo
Sine Tremolo
Ring Modulation
Step Filter
Pitch Shift
Delay—Use the Delay menu to select one of the following 9
No Delay effect
Echo Filter
Stereo Echo Filter
Ping Pong
Stereo Tape
Reverb—Use the Reverb menu to select one of the following
10 effects:
No Reverb effect
Small Hall
Large Hall
Small Room
Large Room
Small Plate
Icons for each active effec t category