FLAVIA Beverage Systems Flavia Coffeemaker manual Read The Following Safety Instructions, Problem

Models: Flavia Coffeemaker

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J1 User Guide

21/6/05 1:16 pm Page 5





Water leaks from the appliance

Make sure that the Pack Door is fully closed when


brewing beverages.


Make sure the water Reservoir has not been filled


beyond the MAX indication line.


Make sure the Drip Tray is not overflowing.


In all other cases, switch off and unplug the appliance


immediately and contact the FLAVIA® Customer


Service Team.



Beverages are too strong and/or

Adjust the volume of beverage dispensed (see the



Beverages are too weak and/or

on page 8).

Choose an alternative strength beverage from the


extensive FLAVIA® range.




Liquid splashes out of, or misses

Ensure the Brew Head is as close to the top of the cup

altogether, the cup

as possible during brewing.


Ensure your cup or mug is placed in the centre of the


Cup Stand.



The Volume Control does not

This is normal. The Volume Control only varies the size

vary the size of drinks brewed on

of drinks brewed on the middle Selection Button.

the left or right Selection







To prevent harm or injury to those using the appliance or to any other persons and/or property.




Always place the appliance out of reach of children. Children and persons unfamiliar with the appliance should only use it under supervision. Not observing these precautions may cause burns, electric shock or other injury.

Do not place the appliance on an unstable surface or surfaces that can be affected by heat. The appliance may tip over causing damage or injury.

Do not place the appliance close to walls or furniture. Steam and heat could damage walls and furniture, causing a change to the color or shape.

Never place the appliance outside. This appliance is for indoor use only.

Never use the appliance at altitudes above 2500m.

Never overfill the appliance with water as this may result in electric shock.

Never put anything other than water in the Water Reservoir. Do not put milk, alcohol or anything other than cold water in the Water Reservoir. This may result in serious damage to the appliance.

Never use packs that have been stored in the refrigerator or freezer.

Never tilt or shake the appliance, as this may result in spillage which could lead to electric shock.

Never turn the appliance upside down, as this may result in spillage and/or serious damage to the machine.

Never use without placing a cup or mug under the water outlet. Hot water may splash against the Drip Tray causing burns.

Never attempt to dismantle, repair or modify the appliance in any way. Any attempt to do so may result in fire or injury. Always contact the FLAVIA® Customer Service Team.

Do not immerse the appliance in water. This may result in an electric shock.

Never use the appliance to store ice. Condensation could occur creating a potential source of electric shock or malfunction.

Only clean specified areas.

Ensure that the mug or cup you use is the right size for the beverage you are brewing. Failure to do so could lead to overflow and may cause burns.



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FLAVIA Beverage Systems Flavia Coffeemaker manual Read The Following Safety Instructions, Problem, Solution, General Use