1594A/1595A Super-Thermometer
Interface Commands
Example response: -100,“Command error”
Reads the next error in the error queue. When an error is read it is removed from the error queue, and the next
error may be read by sending the command again. If there are no more errors, the response is 0,“No error”.
The error queue holds ten errors. If the error queue is already full when a new error is generated, the last error
in the error queue is replaced with the error, -350,“Queue overow”. The error queue may be cleared using the
command *CLS. Possible errors are listed in the following table.
Error Cause
0,“No error” The error queue is empty.
-100,“Command error” An unrecognized command was received.
-109,“Missing parameter” A required parameter was missing.
-114,“Header suffix out of range” A suffix number was out of range. (This may occur if a channel does not exist
because the scanner is not attached.)
-130,“Suffix error” A required suffix number is missing.
-200,“Execution error” A command could not be executed.
-203,“Command protected” A command could not be executed because a setting is password protected.
-220,“Parameter error” A command could not be executed because one or more parameters are out of
range or invalid.
-221,“Settings conict” A command could not be executed in the current state of the instrument.
-222,“Data out of range” A command could not be executed because a parameter was out of range, of
the wrong type, or not recognized.
-224,“Illegal parameter value” A command could not be executed because a parameter was not an allowed
-230,“Data corrupt or stale” A response could not be returned because valid data is not available.
-330,“Self-test failed” A self-test failed because of a hardware error.
-350,“Queue overow” An error occurred when the error queue was full.
-360,“Communication error” A communication error occurred, such as a framing error or input buffer
-400,“Query error” A response to a query was not transmitted prior to another command being
received. SYST:KLOC <boolean>
Query form: SYST:KLOC?
Alternate parameter: DEF
Sets the front-panel key lock.
If the parameter is 1, front-panel keys are inoperable. The key lock remains on until the command is sent with
the parameter 0.
The key lock setting is initially off at power-on. The *RST command sets key lock off. SYST:PASS:CDIS
Disables access to password-protected settings. The SYST:PASS:CEN command may be used subsequently to
enable access. SYST:PASS:CEN <password>
Example command: SYST:PASS:CEN 1234
Enables access to password-protected settings. If <password> is incorrect, error -221,“Settings conict” is
generated in the error queue. Password access remains enabled until the SYST:PASS:CDIS command is re-
ceived. Password access is disabled at power-on.