Menus and Screens
The Store Conguration function allows the user to store settings to a conguration le in either internal non-
volatile memory or a USB ash memory device. The following settings are stored:
The probe denition assigned to each channel
Enable state of each channel
Channel settings, including the reference resistor selections
Resistor denition assigned to each reference resistor input
Scan settings
Timing settings
Digital lter settings
User Settings
Statistics elds settings
Statistics settings
Graph settings
Temperature unit
Recording settings
The Store Conguration function does not store probe denitions, resistor denitions, time and date, remote
interface port settings, password settings, calibration parameters, or recorded data.
MEMORY DEVICE - species to which memory device the conguration is stored. The options are USB
and INTERNAL. The default option is INTERNAL. Up to 50 conguration les may be stored internally. The
number of les stored on a USB device is limited only by the storage space available.
FILE NAME - species the name of the conguration le. It is edited or entered by rst pressing the ENTER
key, which opens the Alpha-Numeric Interface. The le name may have up to 24 characters. The user must
press the SAVE (F3) function key when nished. If the le does not exist, it is created. If it already exists, the
contents of the le are replaced. The le name extension “.txt” is automatically added to the le name when
the le is created. Once the memory device and le name are selected, the user presses the STORE (F1) func-
tion key to proceed.
USB conguration les are written to a folder named “\159x\cong” on the USB memory device and have the
extension “.txt”. When writing the le to a USB memory device, a formatted USB memory device must be
inserted into the USB socket on the front panel.
The Recall Conguration screen displays the conguration les that have been saved to memory. The location
of the le(s) must be selected using the MEMORY DEVICE eld. The options are INTERNAL and USB.
Once the memory location is selected, pressing ENTER or the CONTINUE (F1) function key will open the
list of conguration les. Using the Up/Down arrow keys, the conguration is selected. Pressing ENTER or
the CONTINUE (F1) function key opens the le. The user is prompted to continue before the changes are
The Recall Conguration function does not affect probe denitions, resistor denitions, time and date, remote
interface port settings, password settings, calibration parameters, or recorded data. If an assigned probe deni-
tion no longer exists in the Probe Library when a conguration is recalled, the channel is set to UNDEFINED.
Likewise, a reference resistor input will be set to VARIABLE if the resistor ID is not found in the Resistor