1594A/1595A Super-Thermometer
Interface Commands
A channel’s Calculation setting will be changed from temperature to resistance (see Section,
CALC<n>:TYPE TEMP|RES|RAT, on page 80) if its Reference Resistor (Rs) setting was set to the speci-
ed input and the resistor assignment for the input is set to variable. A channel’s Reference Resistor (Rs)
setting will be changed from the specied input to the internal 100 Ω resistor if the resistor assignment for the
input is being set to none. INP:RS:ADD <id>
Example command: INP:RS:ADD “R25_01322”
Password protection: Resistor Protection
Adds a new resistor denition to the Resistor Library. Before a resistor can be assigned to an input (see com-
mands INP:RS:FRON:IDEN and INP:RS:REAR:IDEN) and used as a reference resistor, the resistor must
have its denition added to the Resistor Library.
Parameter <id> is the ID of the new resistor denition. It can contain letters, numerals, hyphens, periods, for-
ward slashes, and underscores. It must be between one and 22 characters in length, inclusive.
If <id> is different from all other IDs in the Resistor Library and space is available in the Resistor Library, a
new resistor denition will be added and given the specied ID. The resistor parameters will initially be set to
default values. The command INP:RS:PAR should be used to set the parameters.
If <id> matches the ID of a resistor already in the Resistor Library or the Resistor Library is full, no new resis-
tor denition is added, and error -224, “Illegal parameter value” will be generated in the error queue. INP:RS:COUN?
Reads the number of resistor denitions in the Resistor Library. INP:RS:DEL <id>
Example command: CALC:PROB:DEL “R25_01322”
Password protection: Resistor Protection
Deletes a resistor denition from the Resistor Library.
Parameter <id> is the ID of the resistor denition to delete. If <id> does not match the ID of any resistor in the
Resistor Library, nothing is deleted, and error -224, “Illegal parameter value” is generated in the error queue.
If the deleted resistor was assigned to an input (see commands INP:RS:FRON:IDEN and
INP:RS:REAR:IDEN), the input’s reference resistor (Rs) setting will be changed to variable. The Calcula-
tion setting for any channel that used the input for its Reference Resistor (Rs) setting will be changed from
temperature or resistance to ratio. INP:RS:FIRS?
Example response: “R25_01322”
Reads the ID of the rst resistor in the Resistor Library. It also resets the catalog index used by the
INP:RS:NEXT? command.
If the Probe Library is empty, no response is given and error -230,“Data corrupt or stale” is generated in the
error queue. INP<n>:RS:IDEN <id>|VAR|NONE
Example command: INP2:RS:IDEN “R25_01322”
Example command: INP4:RS:IDEN NONE
Query form: INP<n>:RS:IDEN?
Example query response: “R25_01322”
Example query response: VAR