5. Hints and tips
5.1. Special edition keys
When a parameter is edited by selection among a
-[È] and [Í] keys: move one value up or down in the list
-[PageUp] and [PageDown]: move one page up or down in the list
-[Home] and [End]: go to the first or last value in the list
-[Á] and [Ë]: (time delay only) increment or decrement
5.2. Time alignment preserving optimum left/right delay compensation
The time delay section, and how to use it, has been described in paragraph 4.7.
The example chosen as an illustration was the time alignment of front speakers with a subwoofer.
There is another typical case where the use of the delay facility is extremely relevant. Indeed at one particular listening position (that is, on one particular seat) the left and right acoustic sources are never equidistant. As a result the sound stage is distorted and “biased” towards one side, if no compensation is applied. It is easy to do so with Dual Manager, however it can only be done in Administrator mode.
First assess the respective distances between the left and right sources and the targeted listening position. If the
Adjust the delay (as described in 4.7) to the value matching the difference in distances between the left and right sources.
It is important to be aware that, unlike the other parameters, the difference in time delay between left and right will be preserved afterwards if the two channels are treated together as a stereo
This scheme allows to keep a left/right delay compensation (hence preserving a balanced sound stage) while adjusting and optimizing the time alignment between Amplifier and Line out channels.
5.3. Remote controller LED codes
On the remote controller the status of the front panel LEDs corresponds to specific situations, as detailed below.
-one LED on: Dual Monitor amplifier in stand alone mode, configured as Preset with number corresponding to LED position (1 to 5)
-two leftmost LED flashing: system
-four LEDs on: amplifier connected to PC under control of Dual Manager software
-all five LEDs on: firmware upgrade is in progress
-other status: error.