FS-4 HD an d FS- 4Pro HD Po rtab le DT E Rec orde rs 1
IntroductionThank you for purchasing this Focus Enhancements portable direct-
to-edit (DTE) disk recorder. The FS-4 HD and the professional version
FS-4Pro HD are the first portable DV/HD disk recorders with DTE
technology designed for hand held camcorders in a small, rugged
and shock proof chassis.
If you edit with applications from Adobe, Apple, Avid,
Canopus, Matrox, Pinnacle, Sony, Ulead, and many others,
Focus Enhancements’ DTE Technology is the only solution that
can save you hundreds of hours a year by recording clips to
disk in your non-linear editor’s (NLE) native file format.
DTE Eliminates Pre-edit Processing
The FS-4 HD DTE disk recorder eliminates the need to capture,
transfer or convert video clips before editing. The FS-4 HD is a
stand-alone device that records DV25, HD 720p, and HD 1080i
video to its disk drive as a NLE native file. The HD versions
add the capability of capturing to disk HD 720p and 1080i
video from HDV camcorders equipped with a 1394 interface.
For most DV and many HDV compatible NLE systems, when
the disk drive is connected to a computer the clips are
immediately available for editing.
Shoot, connect, and edit: it is now that easy.
Information About Specific FS-4 HD Models
Throughout this manual, FS-4 HD indicates information that pertains to all
models of the FS-4 HD family.
The acronyms DV and HD refer to the recorder’s video recording format,
digital or high definition, respectively. By default, both the FS-4 HD and
FS-4Pro HD employ DV and HD recording.