FS Functions
FS-4 HD an d FS -4Pr o HD Port abl e DTE Rec orde rs 83
Repair Clip DV mode only
Use this function to repair a specific file that may be damaged
or incomplete. For example, recording terminates due to a loss
of power to the FS-4 HD and a specific file may be damaged.
Repair Clip scans the specified file checking for and repairing
file errors and incomplete files. When the file is repaired it is
can be used in the NLE system.
1. From the Utilities screen, go to Repair Clip.
2. Enter the number of the clip to be repaired, using the Up and
Down navigation buttons.
3. Press YES and the FS-4 HD begins repairing the file.
A status screen displays the progress of disk repair and at
completion displays the message:
•Complete indicating Repair Disk was successful.
•Aborted indicating that there were errors and the repair did
not complete.
4. Press BACK to return to the Utilities screen.
After Using REPAIR CLIP Move Content and Re-Format
After using the REPARI CLIP utility, the content must be moved from the FS-
4 HD's drive and the FS utility FORMAT run before resuming recording.
Refer to Format Disk on page 81.
CLIP 001