FS Functions
68 FS -4 HD and FS-4 Pro H D Po rtab le D TE Re cor ders
• TC REGEN FS-4Pro HD only
When the FS-4Pro HD powers up in TC REGEN mode, it:
• Reads the timecode of the last track recorded.
• Adds 1 to the number.
• Stores the new timecode as the number that will be
assigned to the first frame of the next recording session.
If the drive is empty, i.e. no existing recordings, the
FS-4Pro HD uses the TC SET value.
TC SET FS-4Pro HD only
The Timecode Set parameter stores a user defined timecode in
the FS-4Pro HD’s non-volatile memory. This value is available
for use by the FS-4Pro HD immediately after exiting TC SET.
• TC FREE RUN FS-4Pro HD only
The FS-4Pro HD uses this value on the next recording
after it is set in TC SET.
• TC REGEN FS-4Pro HD only
This is the starting value when using an empty hard
disk drive for recording.
This is the value used to begin every recording session
after a power cycle.
TC SET and UB SET Can Be Set at the Same Time
Both parameters, TC SET and UB SET, may be set and are not mutually
exclusive as in some groups, i.e. LCDLIGHT.
00 : 00 : 00 : 00
HH : MM : SS : FF