MR-HD100 Media Recorder
9. Click on X to close the Edit Predefined button.
10. (Optional) Replace the metadata item’s Field Name with a
more meaningful Friendly Name.
Click on Click to Edit in the Friendly Name column.
A text field appears where the User can enter a more
meaningful label for the metadata Field Name. The Friendly
Name replaces the Field Name on the Entry page. The
Friendly Name does not change the Field Name in the MR-
HD100 database.
The template is now ready for use.
TC Depend and Input Style In AXIF and Final Cut Pro
In Apple XML Interchange Format (AXIF) templates the settings
for the TC Depend and Input Style fields are grayed out because
their settings are fixed and can not be changed.
By default, most but not all of the metatdata fields are set as
not timecode dependent.
• All the metadata fields ha ve their Input Style set as Mixed
Input which permits the use of both predefined and
variable, user entered, values.
Final Cut Pro supports these settings because they are template
Creating a Custom Template allows the user to set TC Depend
and Input Style defaults to other values which Final Cut Pro will
then support. For more information, see Creating A Custom
Templ ate on page 66.