MR-HD100 with Other Devices
MR-HD100 Media Recorder
Close MR-HD100 Directory and Dismount From MAC
To dismount the MR-HD100 from a Mac:
1. Select the MR-HD100 on the computer's desktop. It is
marked with a PC symbol.
2. Drag the drive into the trash or use the eject button.
This dismounts the particular disk drive.
3. It is now safe to remove the MR-HD100.
Dismount MR-HD100 Before Powering Off
It is important to dismount the MR-HD100 from the Mac
system BEFORE powering down the MR-HD100.
Eject Shortcut for Two-button Mouse
If the Macintosh is equipped with a two-button mouse, the
following keyboard shortcut is available:
Right click the MR-HD100 icon on the desk top.
Select the Eject function from the pop-up menu.