MR-HD100 with Other Devices
MR-HD100 Media Recorder
When clips exceed 9 minutes in length, the MR-HD100
automatically creates a new, file without dropping any frames. The
two files have the same root filename but have different two digit
suffixes that indicate the order of their creation, -01, -02, and so on.
This process can produce as many sequential 2GB files as the drive
can hold.
With most NLE systems it is possible to use clips within the
timeline. Select the clips on the source volume, i.e. the connected
MR-HD100, and import them directly into the NLE bin.
This makes clips immediately available in the NLE timeline.
The high transfer speed of the MR-HD100 drive permits direct
streaming of the clips to the NLE, thus eliminating the need to
copy or transfer the clips before their use.
UDF does not have the 2GB limitation on file size which permits
the MR-HD100 to record clips of up to 1.5 hours in length.
UDF Perm Default Set to Read-Only.
When using Mac OS10.5 and UDF Perm is set to Read-Write, it may
take several minutes for the disk drive to mount on the computer.
Setting to Read-Only permits faster mounting times.
UDF and 720p 50/60 Quicktime Recording
The maximum record times in UDF mode for 720p50/60 QuickTime
recordings is 45 minutes in duration. Other UDF formats are 90