MR-HD100 Media Recorder
Not accessible with PDA type devices.
Clicking on Settings opens a page with the functions:
Reel Matching
This function allows the User to assign specific metadata
templates to particular MR-HD100 REELs. The REEL then has
the template’s name.
The User can, without leaving the Home screen, employ one
of the function keys to quickly select a template by picking a
REEL with the template’s name. The Entry page automatically
changes to the template assigned to the REEL.
This function requires that the SETUP menu > REELS PREF
option TEMPLATE be selected, see REELS PREF on page 119.
Template Export/Import
This function permits the User to export a template from the
MR-HD100 database to the MR-HD100 drive where it is
available for downloading.
In addition, the User can import from the input device
templates created in other MR-HD100s
Delete Template
This function allows the User to select and delete templates
from the MR-HD100.