4.2 PONS Sprachtrainig
PONS Sprachtraining contains listening comprehension traninings for English, French, Italian and Spanish learners.
1.In the Learn menu, press /
to select PONS Sprachtraining and then press eingabe .
2.Press /
to select a book you want and then press eingabe .
3.In the selected book, press /
to a chapter you want and then press eingabe .
4.Listen to the text or dialogues.
•Press /
to read while listening.
•To pause the playback, press . Press
to resume the playback.
•To stop the playback, press .
•To skip to the previous or next section in the current chapter, press
/ .
•To change the playback mode, press PLAY MODE. Press /
to select a desired option and then press eingabe .
•To exit the book, press MAIN.