Searching for Words
You can search for almost any word or words in this Bible, just as if you were using a concordance. Simply enter search words to find their occurrences, or matches.
1.Press CLEAR .
2.Type up to five words. For example, type Lord Shepherd. You can type capital letters only.
3. Press ENTER to search for them.
Bullets mark the match.
4.Hold ✩ and press DN repeat- edly to view the next matches.
5.Press MENU .
After a word search, only those books with matches are listed on
Searching for Words
the Old and New menus.
6.Use the arrow keys to high- light a book on the Old or New menu.
7.Press ENTER to view its matches.
8.When you’re done, press CLEAR to clear your request.
➤If You Misspell a Word
If you enter a misspelled word, or a word not found in this Bible, a list of spelling corrections appears. High- light a correction and then press
ENTER to select it, or press BACK to change your request.
➤Words You Can’t Search For
The following words are too common to search for, either by entering them or by highlighting them in verses: a, an, and, are, as, be, but, by, for, from, he, her, him, his, I, in, is, it, me, my, not, O, of, our, out, shall, she, that, the, their, them, they, to, up, upon, us, was, we, were, with, you.