
Probable Causes

Corrective Action



This display is normal if the fryer



setpoint has been changed to a



lower temperature. The display



should revert to the normal four

CM III display

Fryer is more than 21ºF (12ºC) above

dashes when the frypot

shows .


temperature cools to the setpoint.

If the setpoint has not been





changed, this indicates a problem



with the temperature control



circuitry. Turn the fryer off and



call FASC.



This in an indication of a

CM III display

Frypot temperature is more than

malfunction in the temperature

control circuitry, including a

410ºF (210ºC) or, in CE countries,

shows .

failure of the high limit thermostat.

395ºF (202ºC).


Shut the fryer down immediately





and call FASC.



This display is normal when the



fryer is first turned on and may



appear for a short while if a large



batch of frozen product is added to



the frypot. If the display never



goes out, the fryer is not heating.

CM III display


Look for a decimal in the LED

Frypot temperature is more than 21ºF

display between digits 1 and 2. If

shows .

(12ºC) below setpoint.

the decimal is present, the



computer is calling for heat and is



functioning properly. See Fryer



Does Not Heat in Control and



Heating Problems (Section 6.2.1).



If the decimal is not present, the



computer is not calling for heat and



may be malfunctioning



This indicates a problem within the

CM III display

Problem with the temperature

temperature measuring circuitry

measuring circuitry including the

that is beyond the scope of

shows .


operator troubleshooting. Shut the




fryer down and call FASC.



The CM III computer may be



programmed for constant

CM III frypot


temperature display or countdown

Computer is programmed for

timer display. Refer to the separate

temperature is

constant temperature display.

Frymaster Fryer Controllers

displayed constantly.


User's Manual for instructions on





toggling between these display





Page 33
Image 33
Frymaster 8195915 operation manual CM III frypot, Temperature is, Displayed constantly