2.5Functional extensions for SM pubsets
The new SMPGEN
The user data and the management and protection information of the new single feature pubsets and the existing system managed pubsets remain unchanged.
Note: Before converting a single feature pubset into a system managed pubset, you should make a physical backup with FDDRL and a logical backup with HSMS, since the single feature pubset can be destroyed if an error abort occurs.
PVSREN V2.0 offers the new functionality of creating independent pubsets from pubset mirrors within a system. Either single fea- ture pubsets or system managed pubsets can be used as the source for this.
With system managed pubsets, the renaming rules for the volume sets are stored in a parameter file. Even pubset mirrors that have been separated off and whose VSNs satisfy the "colon syntax" can be converted into independent pubsets.
2.6Number of MRSCAT entries > 1024
The previous limit of maximum 1024 MRSCAT entries has been re- moved. A maximum of 4096 MRSCAT entries are now possible in
2.7Faster failure detection in MSCF
If the system is being monitored with the Live Monitor (component of HIPLEX AF V3.2), the failure of a participant in the MSCF net- work is now detected faster and more reliably. After the failure has been surely detected by the live monitor, failure processing in MSCF can be started automatically after a minimal wait time.
Fast failure detection and processing is possible in an XCS and SPVS network with any number of participants and in a CCS net- work.
A prerequisite for this is that HIPLEX AF is installed on all participants in the MSCF network as well as on the subsidiary systems (e.g. the VM2000 monitor systems) and the Live Monitor is active.
The products
No dependencies exist between the MSCF configuration and the HIPLEX AF configuration for fast failure detection.
Please consult the SYSFGM.MSCF.150.E and
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