3.5Obsolete functions (and those to be discontinued)
The following functions are no longer supported as of this ver- sion:
-Paging on global memory
-The utility program UGEN is no longer supplied.
The internal name of the standard EXEC or the SYSSIZE is modified with the procedure
*5 - Software product CRHP2AFP
*5 As of SPOOL V4.8, the program is no longer part of the delivery
*5 scope. CRHP2AFP converts HP print resources into APA print re-
*5 sources. The function is covered redundantly by the OCE tool
The following function is supported for the last time as of this version:
*2 - The conversion of the file catalog to BS2000 V10.0 format with *2 the command
3.5.1Obsolete macros
- none -
3.5.2Obsolete commands
- none -
3.6Incompatibilities to BS2000/OSD-BC V5.0C
-If the product interNet Services is used, the POSIX time can be synchronized with an external time source via the Network Time Protocol (NTP). If this time source supplies a "stratum" value less than 5 in the NTP protocol, as of BS2000/OSD V6.0 and inter- Net Services as of V3.0B, the BS2000 system time is also synchro- nized with the time source.
*1 - The checks of the ADDRSPACE allocation for an ID have been
*1 intensified.
*1 When the ADDRSPACE allocation is checked all class 6 memory pages
*1 are now included, i.e. also pages in the memory pool and the data
*1 spaces, as long as they can be associated with the creator task.
*1 If increasing the ADDRSPACE allocation does not suffice, the old
*1 behavior of BS2000/OSD V5.0 can be reinstated with the optional
*1 REP correction
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