Using ScanSnap with the Quick Menu (for Mac OS Users)
4. Check the scanned image in the preview area.
In the [Scan to Dropbox] window, you can rename the file and specify your Dropbox
For details about the [Scan to Dropbox] window, refer to the ScanSnap Manager Help.
5. Click the [Save] button.
DThe scanned image is saved to your Dropbox folder.
zThe file will not be synced with Dropbox unless you select the Dropbox folder as the destination
zYou cannot start scanning after the Quick Menu is displayed and before the [Scan to Dropbox]
window is closed. Close the [Scan to Dropbox] window before scanning the next document.
zDo not move, delete or rename the scanned image in other applications after the Quick Menu is
displayed and before the [Scan to Dropbox] window is closed.