Do not apply paint,
Those items contain organic solvents that can damage coating and plastic parts, especially plastic connectors.
1.1 Category of Equipment
Equipment for protected area
•Display Unit
•Distribution Box
•Matching Box
•Transducer Switch Box (option)
•Digital Depth Indicator (option)
Equipment to be submerged
• Transducer
1.2 Display Unit
1.2.1 Mounting consideration
The display unit can be installed on a tabletop, on the overhead, on the bulkhead or flush mounted in a console or panel.
When selecting a mounting location for the display unit keep the following in mind.
•Keep the display unit out of direct sunlight.
•The temperature and humidity should be moderate and stable.
•Locate the unit away from exhaust pipes and vents.
•The mounting location should be well ventilated.