Flights Tab

The Flights tab shows a list of any recorded flights, including date, route of flight, and flight time. The GPSMAP 296 saves up to 50 recorded flights while in Aviation Mode. Entries on this list are automatically created for each flight. More information on the Flights tab is located on page 45.

Flight Tab

Showing the flight details page

Route Tab

Use the Route tab create and store up to 50 reversible routes, with up to 300 points each. See the “Creating Routes” section beginning on page 56 for more information about routes.

Points Tab

The Points tab contains two sub tabs, User and Proximity, which allow you to manage a large number of waypoints quickly and efficiently. For more information about waypoints, see the “Creating Waypoints” section beginning on page 58.

User Sub Tab

The User sub tab shows a master list of all waypoints currently stored in memory. The total number of stored and available waypoints appears at the bottom of the User sub tab.

Proximity Sub Tab

Use the Proximity sub tab to shows an alarm circle around a stored waypoint location.

GPSMAP 296 Pilot’s Guide