Timers Sub Tab

To open the Timers sub tab, press MENU twice, select Setup from the vertical tab list, and Timers from the row of tabs along the top.

Time Sub Tab

The Time sub tab allows you to set the time format and zone. You can also set the unit to conform to Daylight Saving Time. The current time and date is shown at the bottom of the page.

To open the Time sub tab, press MENU twice to open the Main Menu. Select Setup from the vertical tab list. Then select Time from the row of tabs along the top of the page.

Timers Sub Tab

User—allows you to set the timer to Count Up or Count Down. You can also Reset the timer and turn it Off.

Marine—shows on the Compass Page in Marine Mode. See page 89.

Fuel Tank—allows you to set a reminder for switching fuel tanks. The reminder message repeats at the specified interval after the beginning of each flight.

Since Midnight—allows you to view the time the unit has been turned on since midnight. This resets if you restore All Unit Defaults from the System tab.

Time Sub Tab

Time Zone—allows you to choose your correct time zone so the GPSMAP 296 shows the correct local time. Select Other to enter a UTC Offset.

If the incorrect date is shown, press MENU, highlight Set Date, and press ENTER. Enter the current year. The GPSMAP 296 uses this information when gathering satellite data to show the correct date.

GPSMAP 296 Pilot’s Guide